Social media for women empowerment
The Internet has accelerated interactions between individuals and at the same time fostered the
emergence of countless opportunities (Proulx, Millette, Heaton, 2012). The advent and expansion of social media in recent years has democratized new uses. From companies to individuals, everyone finds their interest in it ; minorities, marginalized and discriminated groups now have a means of expression.
In this study we will present the women, in Côte d’Ivoire, a country of West Africa, who through
social media manage to create online income-generating activities that allow them to support
themselves and achieve their empowerment. Social media thus represent a favorable framework for undertaking and promoting an income-generating activity. Indeed, some users “harness the possibilities of platforms for self-promotion purposes” (Stenger, Coutant, 2012). It is important to index the link between gender and social media : “thinking about the articulation between gender and communication is to show that all communication is gendered and gendered ; that the masculine and the feminine create particular devices of communication which rib all communication ; even more, that they themselves constitute communication devices and therefore physical and symbolic modes of social interaction” (Bertini, 2006).
Moreover, still in the 21st century, in the world of work, women encounter many difficulties such
as the glass ceiling, harassment, stereotypes related to their skills. Consequently, the desire to be on one's own account, to create one's own business to escape discrimination and the constraints of wage labor is growing among many women all over the world and especially in West Africa where the activity women is very intense and unemployment is significant.
Our problem is therefore to discover : how social media intervene in the process of
economic empowerment of Ivorian women through entrepreneurship ? What are the different
types of social media used by Ivorian women entrepreneurs ? What are the issues and
difficulties related to female entrepreneurship ? To answer these questions, we conducted about twenty life stories with Ivorian entrepreneurs. The notion of entrepreneurship being vast, for this study, we were interested in women entrepreneurs whose activity is essentially based on the use of digital technology (such as online sales, online service delivery). As the informal sector is the most feminized in West Africa (Ba Gning, 2013), we took this aspect into account in our research.